Sunday, November 30, 2008


the semester is ALMOST over, and i cannot wait. i have been concentrating on everything else school related for the past week and a half, that i have seemed to have forgotten to keep up with my thesis work. i hope i'll get over that in a couple days. i should go out today and shoot a bit, but i have to finish other stuff for this week, and hopefully i'll be able to go out and about on wednesday. my "free" day of the week. i have two presentations to do this week, one tuesday and one friday. one is 8 minutes, the other only 3. i think i'll be able to handle it. i'm horrible at talking about my work, i'm never able to completely voice what i'm trying to do, i always seem to leave something out. i'll keep my fingers crossed, and hope for the very best. which reminds me, i still need to scan my old work from high school and freshman year. yay.
at least i have something figured out, i know, kind of, where i'm going with my thesis. and hopefully i'll be able to continue this through out the winter months. i had problems last year with the snow getting
in the way of what i really wanted to capture in my photos.
ugh, snow. not looking forward to that white stuff, i'm just hoping that it will hold off for another week or two, i hate driving in it.
here's a pretty spring-y picture, to get my
mind off of the snow. :) it was taken near my friends house, while we were walking her dogs.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


so, this week has been a complete train-wreck thus far. all because of a simple forgetful mistake monday morning, and that has effected the past couple days to be more stressful than they should have to be.
but! good news! i now know the direction my thesis will be going in. *yay* i will be focusing on the small details of places that i was going to be/have been photographing in the same state of mind that i was planning for my original idea for my thesis. if that makes any sense at all, i hope it does.
meaning i need to have my camera on me more often than i usually do. which i don't mind at all, for it's like an extra arm anyways.
only a couple more days to this semester, and i can't wait, but also freaking out at the same time. so many things are due, with not much time to do it all in! i'm hoping that i'll be able to pull something off in time.
i kinda feel like i'm falling...and theres really no one to help me up. it's totally up to me to catch myself and fix everything. i feel just like the girl about to fall over in this picture i took over the summer at our old home day fair in my hometown.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

fingers crossed

i shot some photos today for what will hopefully be the new turn for my thesis. i'll find out tomorrow how it'll go, and if i need more photos to finish it. i'm crossing my fingers and hoping that it will all work out for the best for me.

i also have the BFA show to look forward to, can't wait. installation starts on friday and goes until sunday. i'm hoping i can get it all done on friday so i don't have to drive back in on saturday to finish it. i don't have much to hang, but it's the painting that i'm worried about.

here's one of the photos i'm hanging up for the show. it was taken earlier in the fall when i was walking with some friends. i love taking pictures of mushrooms, just a heads up. :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


so, with stress levels rising...i went into my class on tuesday morning, and walked out twice as stressed as before. i have learned that i need to change my thesis idea completely to fit what i really want to say. o boy!
i understand why i need to do it as well as how, but why find out about it now?! when i have spent almost a full year working
on what i have at the moment. hooray for me.
so, on the verge of exploding...i decided to take some time off today, and do somewhat nothing. well, nothing that is any shape or form related to my thesis. on that note, i look forward to this upcoming weekend and week of classes that consist of me busting my butt for a result th
at i hope will be somewhat satisfying for crit in a couple weeks.
i love senior year.
speaking of exploding...if i hadn't mentioned it before, here's a lovely picture i took of some fireworks that were seen at our annual old home days celebration during the summer in my hometown.